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dreaming of kittens meaning

Dreams about Kittens – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreams about Kittens – Interpretation and Meaning
Kitten Dreams - Meaning and Interpretation What does a kitten mean in a dream? Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings Kitten Hi, my name is Flo, a psychic from the UK and my personal trip to dreams began more than 20 years ago. Since then I have discovered many wonderful and interesting facts about kitten dreams from both spiritual and psychological perspectives. I'm so excited to share all this with you! And, yeah, I just don't like to hug these little pieces of agitation. Sleep can be strange and include several twists or encounters. A kitten is a symbol means being innocent and pure. There is a spiritual notion that kitten can also indicate the need for independence in life. Saving the poor kitty in her dream indicates that you will need power and control in a matter close to you. Maybe the kitten was on a busy street, or about to be crushed by a car. Such a dream may suggest that you will save something close to your heart in awakening life. If you just had a kitten in real life, then this dream is sometimes common, especially the dream of losing the kitten. Spiritual Meaning of Dream of Kittens Now, let's understand the dream of kittens in more detail from a spiritual point of view. It is a link to your feminine side and therefore this dream is normally associated with females. Cats or kittens symbolize women in their lives. There is also a feeling of being self-sufficient, which can also be perceived as kitten. Watching a kitten running in his dream is connected to independence, feminine instincts, originality and supremacy. Unfortunately, this dream is also connected to difficult times and bad luck in ancient spiritual books. Did you also know that a kitten that appears in your dream can also connect to the goddess Bast - the goddess of the Egyptian cat, representing the two sides of your nature and personality? Dreaming with kittens can mean that someone can be unreliable or unfair to you. Little kitten may not be all roses and light! Dreaming with an aggressive kitten means problems with the female side of your personality, but it can also mean that you will soon be treated with a catty person in your life. What does it mean to dream of a kitten? Well, this shows your attitude towards a comfortable life. It's time to take care of yourself. If you are scratched or bitten by a kitten, this may imply that you will find a difficult situation with a woman. Finding yourself persecuted or persecuting the kitten spiritually can mean that the obstacles are currently in their way. Running after a kitten suggests that you will find difficulties with a project in the future. Curiously, we also need to see where the kitten is in the dream. Is the kitten rolled in front of television? The way the kitten is portrayed is important, as the kitten gets away or cannot be found in your dream then this indicates that you need to feel more free in life, perhaps you have felt trapped? If we look at the famous dream theorists, Carl Jung, he took a more focused approach to the interpretation of dreams. This was, I think because his dreams were about houses and architectural symbols against Sigmund Freud who had more interest in dreams about the body. Both psychologists picked up thousands of dreams. Your approach to the study of dreams can be confusing. There is a lot of academic writing on the subject and both psychologists have written famous books. Unfortunately, they approached a dream like how a mathematician would approach an equation, missing the "spiritual" meaning of sleep. The interesting thing about these psychologists is that there is a spiritual side of meaning of sleep, both in Freud's books and in Jung's this meaning was never really discussed or believed. So, what does a kitten's dream psychology say? Psychologists create a connection between dreams and symbols in awakening life. The Freudian theory states that many of our dreams are simply a huge part of our subconscious mind, that we take images every day that results in our dreams. How is this associated with your dream? The dream of kittens from a psychological perspective is a communication that can be due to seeing a cat or kitten in the world of awakening. Kitten dreams are usually linked to how we feel about our lives and the control we have. If you see a kitten wrapped in wool or kitten can't lower a tree then maybe you're subconsciously unable to get something off the ground. Dreaming with a miniature kitten indicates that it is time to stop and listen to your own voice. To witness kitty fights, he argues that you will have enemies that will go to any end to cushion your reputation and cause you to lose material possessions. Listening to a mewing kitten means you have fake friends around you. To hear the kitten screaming in your dream suggests that someone in the world of awakening has said something painful about you. Sometimes people say things in life that they just repent or don't mean. It's up to you to forgive the person. In general, dreaming of a kitten indicates that it is likely to be deceived by others. It is very important that you want to avoid being influenced by other people at this time. If you dream of a black and white kitten suggests you can have some source of sadness or repentance in the near future. If you are involved in the business, this dream indicates that you need to put all efforts into making your particular business a success. Now, some dream books have gone as far as saying that dreaming of a kitten may suggest that you are immature and childish. These are features you have, it indicates that you feel a little vulnerable right now. Seeing a long-haired kitten denotes a happy time in life. Domesticized kittens seen in your dream indicate that you will embark on a new project at work. If the kitten is wild then this indicates that you can't show feelings easily you can find the difficult association. To see a pedigree kite in your dream indicates that you need to stay on work tasks. Every detail of the dream must be revised. Generally, the dream of kittens can mean that it feels childish in its approach to problems. If the kitten was getting into the dream then this suggests that you might be a little under attack by people in waking up life. It's not weird for pregnant women to dream about kittens. They are curious and attractive in the state of sleep. The kitten can also symbolize a great judgment and ultimately face a new phase of life. Is the dream good or bad? Okay, my cat melting the heart thinks this dream is positive unless of course the dream was actually a NIGHTMARE. Yes, they can be portrayed as monsters, claws, silences fit in and let's not forget they could tip something like your hot cuppa. I'm sure your dream is for a reason so we're going to explore it more. In order to take a step by step of this sleep interpretation we have segmented the kitten dream in specific areas: What does it mean to dream of a liter of kittens? How cute is my first thought! Now, to see a litre of kittens in a dream indicates that you would like to have more fun in life. Maybe you've been working too hard and you feel that now is the time to rest and enjoy and recover? As we have already concluded the kitten can also mean independence. The kitten may also be associated with our own children in life, if you do not have children then your parental and childcare traits. What does it mean to dream about saving kittens? You're the protector of the day! To see kittens in danger or if your dream contained someone trying to drown kittens then this illustrates that you may feel that you will lose something important in life, as kitten dreams connected to independence may result in you losing something important in life, such as your work or material possessions. The good news is that to save a kitten successfully in your dream indicates that you will be able to regain your own financial independence. What does it mean to dream about kittens and cats? Dreaming with kittens and cats in a dream means their own affectionate nature. Seeing both cats and kittens can involve happiness through their own independence. The cat itself is a good sign of luck. Seeing the cat as the mother of the kittens and the dream indicates that you are trying to find your own weak points in life. It's important for you to nurture what you've already accomplished. What does it mean to dream of kittens dying? Okay, this dream can be quite worrying, especially if you were sad about kittens dying in your dream. Seeing kittens dying in a dream can be symbolic in nature. It suggests, in many ancient dream dictionaries that an exciting and unusual social event is likely to happen in the future. If you feel the fear in sleep then this illustrates that you need to handle the best issues in life. In the same way, if you see many dead kittens in a dream, it indicates that you fear the future. Seeing kittens drowned in a dream indicates you need growth to progress in life. What do swollen kittens mean in a dream? We all love kittens! Cute and soft kittens are usually associated with hard work, but they also play. What if the kitten was aggressive in a dream? Kittens can sometimes hide when approaching them, it is not unusual to find this in awakening life. If the kitten was aggressive with you in a dream then this indicates that there will be a time when it will become much stronger. The aggressive kitten that appears in a dream indicates aspects of yourself. Maybe you need to be more aggressive at work to get what you want. Now, you'd rather work on a long-term goal so that I can succeed what I think is a positive trait. The aggressive kitten that appears in the dream indicates that sometimes your temper needs to change to get what you want! What does it mean to dream about kittens and puppies? Dreaming with kittens and puppies illustrates that they are immature features. At a subconscious level you can determine your own personality, such as symbolism, this dream indicates that it is a time when you must be acting immature. Maybe you need to think about what you want in life and be a little selfish? It can predict in the distant past that you've been thinking of other people instead of yourself. What is the meaning of a wounded kitten's dream? Poor kitty! In my research, seeing a wounded kitten in a dream is connected to our own personality. He suggests that sometimes in life you need to show motivation. Well-adjusted healthy kittens are a healthy pregio in dreams. As we all know that kittens only love to play with each other but if they are injured or have a behavioral problem during sleep, then this may suggest that life has become something serious. What does the color of the kitten mean in a dream? Well, here's a quick summary before entering this deeper color. Okay, a white kitten means you're experiencing tough times. Seeing a black kitten means you have some hesitation in determining what you really want out of life. To see a brown tabby kitten in your dream means that you will receive some important news in the near future. Dreaming with a multicolored kite symbolizes many people working together to achieve a goal. Now, let's run through the colors in more detail! A white kitten in a dream: In many ancient dictionaries dreaming of white kittens indicates bad luck. The white kitten denotes that it is important that you become dominant in a win situation. The white kitten from a spiritual perspective also indicates peace and tranquility. On the other hand, this dream could predict bad luck but you have the power to change something in life. Dreaming with black kittens Superstitions denotes that a black cat is associated with great luck. It is true to say that dreaming of black kittens carries the same interpretation. If we look at the kitten itself, they learn to different modes of appropriate behavior by interacting with their brothers and also with their mother. They are taught how to scratch and also bite when they are with others. From a symbolic perspective, dreaming of black kittens means that you can learn something from a group company. Multi-colored kittens Dreaming with a multi-colour kite illustrates that you will have many opportunities in the future. Each color illustrates that opportunity. Emotional freedom is required and you may not feel you want to be tied to any situation. This is a positive dream and can also mean teamwork and the ability to ensure that you get what you want life. Dreaming of ginger kittens To see ginger kittens in a dream indicates that the best option will be presented to you. Seeing ginger kittens playing one with the other indicates that in a situation that has been worrying you will work for the best. See kittens cat tabby in a dream We all love cat kittens of tabby! This is not really a race but the color of the cat. The tabby cat can often represent the thighs or points and be brown in color. But what does this mean for your dream? The tabby kitten represents the change and the fact that you need to approach a task very smoothly. It is very likely that you will be sensitive, especially connected to work. Dirty-looking kittens: If in your dream the kitten has fleas, parasites or evidence of not being maintained, this indicates that there will be problems and problems in the foreseeable future. Dream of being scratched or bit by kittens A kitten that scratches you in the dream then this suggests that someone in your life of awakening will cause complex problems. This is usually associated with work. If a kitten bites you in a dream then he needs to try to take good care of you in the future. What does it mean to be attacked by a kitten in your dream? Dreaming that you are being attacked by a kitten suggests that you may have difficulties in your relationship going forward. You may suggest that you are not satisfied with someone in life - or with your family at the present time in time. If the kitten hurts you somehow, then this suggests someone close to you is going to wake up. Dreaming of attacks by a kitten indicates that it is time to move forward in a relationship. This relationship has become volatile, and can end up arguing. If you are unable to move forward in this relationship, it is time to sit down and try to resolve your differences. If the kitten is shy in sleep then this indicates that you are likely to be sensitive in life. As we all know each kitten has its own personality and its own traits that make them unique. The kitten is a two-year-old mental age when they're only eight weeks old. We have already concluded a kitten dream is associated with our real "independentness"What does it mean to dream of a kitten fight? To see in the dream kittens the struggle illustrates that you need to be very grateful for what you have in life. The struggle itself is symbolic in that you have internal conflicts. You have a taste for freedom and also travel. The challenge is to try to balance everything in life so you can achieve your own goals. If kittens are fighting with each other and you can't stop fighting and this can predict a very difficult situation. You can feel that your life does not move in the direction you want. What does it mean to dream of a kitten asylum? If the kitten is getting into your dream then this indicates that you need to stay with traditional and conventional relationships. It is a good omen in relation to work and it can also mean that you are ambitious and you like to focus on power. The meowing kitten on a door in your dream indicates that an opportunity will be presented. If kittens are getting into food then this suggests that work will go well in the future. What if the kittens scream in a dream? Listening to a kitten screaming your dream can be very distressing! Symbolically indicates that you need to be more understanding and understanding for others. If the kittens are yelling for food then it indicates that their hopes for the front are unrealistic. Well, we're almost at the end. I gave you a quick spiritual vision of the kitten below some ancient books I had touched on my library. Don't forget to check my tarot section. In your dream you may have: Positive changes are on foot You were not attacked or frightened by the kitten. Your dream was positive. Feelings that you may have found during a kittenMellow dream. Soft. Relax. Love. Something like that. Surprised. Content. Awesome. Curious. Enjoying. Sources: Dream Meanings, Occult Magazine (1910), Interpreting Your Dream, London Times (1880), The Jungian Dreamwork Manual (1980) Strephon Kaplan- Williams, Dream Alchemy (1991), Dream learnings (1923) unknown author, Dreams and occultism (date unknown paper and magazine)Auntyflo Tarot WheelWhat's the future for? Turn my tarot wheel to find out. What does your palm mean? Celebrating more than 10 years online. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. Look at me on YouTubeDiscover spiritual secrets today watching my videos on YouTube. to see me when I'm online. You may also like it © 2020 . All rights reserved.

Interpreting the Meaning of Dreams About Cats and Cats as Dream SymbolsAisling's articles in Hubpages have 4.1 million page views. She is grateful for every reader and that means you! Tessa Buchin What symbolizes a cat in a dream? The meaning of a cat in a dream is usually reduced to the interpretation of the cat as an animal by the dreamer, some people are attracted to cats while others are driven. Therefore, as with most symbolic representations, the cat can be seen in a positive or negative light depending on the circumstances. The cat is more commonly linked to the representation of traits commonly linked to vulnerability and female intuition, for example, in both male and female dreamers. How a feline manifests in a dream can suggest how the dreamer experiences many things, both consciously and unconsciously. Topics that Felines might represent in dreams When you read, you should allow your own ideas about cats to help you interpret the meaning of your dreams. Use this guide as a starting point and not as a final word. Taylor Monte CalvoJungian Psychology in Dreams: The Being, the Shadow and the AnimaBy interpreting cats as dream symbols, it is important to depend on their own association with these animals because different people feel differently with them. In fact, few animals cause more disparate emotions. For example, the cat worshipped by the ancient Egyptians is the same curse for the Puritans as demonic heralds. In addition to being symbolic of everyday concepts, such as vulnerability, these common domestic pets can also represent some of the deeper concepts of jungle psychology. Concepts in Jungian Psychology that you should know SelfAccording to Carl Jung, Self is what is composed of all elements of a person's psyche, including ego, personal subconscious and collective subconscious. In a process of healthy maturation, a person establishes his own unique sense of Being, based on the experiences and relationships that they encounter throughout their lives. Animals are often used as expressions of Being in dreams. They reveal parts of ourselves that can be hidden, such as visceral emotional responses or impulses that are unconscious, even if we are not aware of their presence in our life of awakening. As symbols of independence, femininity and intuition, a cat in a dream can have many meanings as to how you see your inner Self. Shadow The "Shadow" in Junglic psychology is the darkness opposed to Being and is composed by the parts of ourselves that we hide, ignore and pretend that they do not exist, usually on an unconscious level. It is often composed of desires and impulses we have learned (either from society or from our families or from ourselves) are unacceptable or negative. As symbols of our unconscious I Shadow in dreams, cats can be "sort shadow." This means that they can be stopped by the parts of the self that you secretly reward and treasure, although you may feel guilty for liking these parts of yourself. Or, a cat can symbolize the elements of yourself that you hide and revitalize, it really depends on your opinion of cats in the real world. AnimaThe Anima, according to Jung, is the part of the male psyche that represents the female nature. In opposition to the Anima is the Animus, which represents the male nature in the female psyche. In dreams, cats represent the Anima, and can symbolize how well a man relates to women or his own intuition. Lilies kill kittens Never bring lilies to your house if you have cats. True lilies, such as Easter, Stargazer and Tiger varieties, are extremely toxic to cats. Just keeping the lilies pollen from your coats can cause critical health problems for kittens. Take a look at the information in the Dig Deeper section for more information, as well as the video below. "No Lirios by Kitties" Symbolic representations of your intuitionThe intuition is often understood as a mysterious and distant feeling that comes and goes as it pleases, which sounds very similar to the animal that is analyzed here. Cats in dreams are sometimes symbols of intuition, that sense of "gut" of inner knowledge. You can determine whether the intuition is being heard or ignored in your awakening life by checking the appearance and health of the animal that appears in your dream. CatHealthy cats may indicate a healthy intuitive nature in the dreamer. This means you should keep listening to your inner compass and make decisions of your wise mind. CatSick sick or sick cats could mean that there is an imbalance between intellect and intuition. This means that the dreamer may be struggling to stay rooted in his authentic self, or they are not aware of what is his true self. Operating from such a space is risky because you can be based on life decisions about what you intellectually believe that everyone else thinks you should do, instead of what you intuitively know is better for you as a unique individual. If you experience a sick feline in one of your dreams, you would do well to start valuing the intuition a little more because, like a cat, the intuition will come more to value it. Kittens like Dream Symbols What if I dream of kittens? Cats are often appreciated by, and associated with, independence and self-sufficiency. However, the image of a helpless kitten in a tree is also one that is firmly rooted in the collective unconscious and therefore can manifest itself in our dreams as a representation of something backward in our subconscious self. What if I dream of newborn kittens? If you dream of kittens, especially newborn kittens, or with noisy and unseen cats, it can be an indication that you feel vulnerable and unable to get help. If you experience this kind of dream, you should look at your life of awakening and determine whether you are being heard or not. It may also take time to identify if part of the problem is a failure to ask for help. Many times, those who are more independent are also those who are not used to asking for help. Dreaming of a kitten otter What's better than a kitten? Guys! At least to wake up. If you dream of a litre of kittens, it might mean you feel absolutely swollen and you need to invite more fun, enjoyment and relaxation in your life. Maybe you should... approve a kitty! Kittens often symbolize vulnerability Kitten dreams could also mean that you have initiated a new project or phase of life that is in a vulnerable state and need to feed. It's important to feed as much as it feeds others. What does a white cat mean in a dream? Once again, the meaning of a white cat that materializes in his dream depends on his relationship with felines. However, often a white cat symbolizes difficult or difficult times ahead. That said, if you love white cats, maybe it means something wonderful is about to happen! Cats saying, "I love you!"What does the symbolic meaning of a black cat mean in a dream? As most people know, a black cat is often superstitious linked to bad luck or bad things that come. Because of this affiliation, black cats instill fear in some. If a dreamer stumbles through a black cat in a dream (and carry this negative association with a cat of this color), it could mean that they are afraid to listen to their inner intuition or to connect to and possess their feminine power. On the back side, if the dreamer has a positive association with black cats, then his manifestation in sleep could have a less negatively charged symbolic meaning. What does a grey cat represent? Grey is a neutral and calming color, therefore it is foolish to see a grey cat in a dream is less symbolically volatile than to see a black or white cat. Essentially, a grey cat in a dream means that the dreamer should try to make a balance of what is happening in the dream and try to determine whether or not there is a message that arises from his subconscious in which they must be tuned. If so, the presence of the grey cat means that the dreamer must definitely follow the guide that is within the dream—after all, it can be your intuition talking to you! What does it mean if I sleep with a dead cat? Because a cat symbolizes your intuition and feminine power, dreaming of a dead cat can mean that you are disconnected from this part of yourself. The health of the feline in his dream is directly related to the health of his connection to the female divine. In addition, a dead or dying cat may represent a lack of autonomy in his life; this is not surprising since not hearing his intuition often leads a person to trust others for the direction and guidance in life. As a result, one may feel dependent on others and frustrated as a result. What is a dream? Dreams are a form of communication that is typically foreign to the awakening mind. The unconscious does not impart information verbally as the conscious mind. The unconscious mind communicates through symbols that must be interpreted if you want to understand the statement. Think of dreams as messages that need interpretation, similar to how a message written in a foreign language would need interpretation. What does it mean if a cat jumps me in a dream? As cats often symbolize our feminine nature, a hostile cat in a dream can represent the dreamer who are uncomfortable or struggling with that aspect of themselves. Perhaps the dreamer feels too vulnerable or not vulnerable enough; or perhaps he feels unable to connect to his own intuition, sexuality, creativity or independence. If the cat scratches you in the dream, it could mean that you really fear, or intimidate yourself, your own femininity somehow. You can't embrace every cat! What does it mean if I sleep with multiple cats? If several cats appear in your dream at once, it might mean that you are confused about some aspect of your life. The various felines in your dream represent some form of chaos in your life that can lead to feelings of overwhelming and anxiety. If you feel stressed and thrown in too many directions in your life, this dream could be your subconscious trying to help you at a rate yourself so that you don't throw too far from the center. What do cats symbolize in women's dreams? Self-perception The cat in women's dreams generally represents how the woman looks. This personal perception includes not only how women think of themselves physically, but also how they relate to their intuition and creativity. It also shows how it looks in relation to men. Dreaming of healthy cats, for example, might indicate that a woman has a high level of self-confidence. This is different from arrogance. Self-confidence indicates a sense of comfort with oneself, which means you feel completely comfortable in your own skin. Healthy cats could also indicate that a woman feels comfortable with her personal power: she trusts her intuition and the decisions she makes on the basis of that intuition. On the back side, dreaming of a sick or unhealthy feline could mean that a woman struggles with self-esteem and is not based on her sense of self-esteem and validation. A woman who sees a sick cat in her dreams can subconsciously know that she is drowning her intuition in some aspect of her life, and that this is somehow leading her way out of the way that will allow her to fulfill her highest purpose. Power A cat that appears in a woman's dream can also represent her connection with her inner sense of power. Power is not the same as control: controlling people like to direct everything and everyone around them precisely because they feel they have no power. Power comes from trusting yourself and being sure you can get results and effect changes. As a woman, entering and manifesting her own power can sound defiant and terrifying in the present world. However, a cat appearing in a dream bodes well and could very well mean that you are approaching to recognize and honor your inner power. Just as the cat exudes trust and feat, so you can. The dream of the cat can mean different Things in different religions! In Hinduism, dreaming of a cat represents untrustworthy or malicious people in the lives of dreamers and promotes caution. Taylor Monte Calvo What do cats represent in men's dreams? Cats that appear in men's dreams tend to relate to the feminine side of their psyche (the Anima), or reveal how man thinks the opposite sex perceives it. It can also bring to light what is his attitude toward the opposite sex, whether it is an attitude based on consciousness or unconsciousness. What does it mean if a cat is looking for or lying to a man? This could mean that man thinks the opposite sex finds him attractive. It can also be a representation that feels comfortable in their relationships with women. What does it mean if a cat is swirling or scratching? This could mean that you feel rejected by women or that your current relationships with women are tense. It might also feel that women in their lives are difficult to please, not to be trusted, overloaded, or simply directly, in which case the dream can mean that it is time to reevaluate their relationships. Do you represent a trash box anything? Dreaming of a cat's trash can can can really carry some of its own symbolism. Because the cat can represent several aspects of our subconsciousness (i.e., the I of the Shadow), dreaming of the space where they remove the wastes could show a dreamer who are experiencing shame about some aspect of their life, either an external situation or circumstance, or a subliminal thought or feeling. Alternatively, the trash box could also represent the underlying feeling of a dreamer who are putting too much in life and are burning. The meaning of a cat in a dream Depends on the DreamerCats in dreams are as complex as in real life, these animals can symbolize everything from a strong connection to your intuition to your subconscious perception of the opposite sex. Every time a symbol comes with a rich mythological history, it is a sure sign that probably has a great meaning in dreams and is potentially an important source of valuable information. Ultimately, the information that felines bring to the world of dreams can help a dreamer in various aspects of his life of awakening. As such, sleep cats (such as their real-life counterparts) demand and deserve attention when they appear in their night visions. Dig Deeper This article is accurate and faithful to the best of the author's knowledge. The content is only for information or entertainment purposes and does not substitute for personal or professional advice in business, financial, legal or technical matters.© 2011 Aisling IrelandComents Tina on September 12, 2020: I dreamed that my cat walked through the wall and on the roof in my houseChristina on April 18, 2020: I dreamed of a cat with four heads, each is his own color and marks Richard M Ahrens of Port Angeles on March 28, 2020: thanks for my dream I was the catAngela Riddell on February 01, 2020: I had the most closed door I recently had a dream where the back door was open. I went to close it and when I looked down the stairs, my cat was lying on the floor (like a sphinx) looking at me directly. What's it about? Latanya Ruffin on January 25, 2020: I had a dream of a few cats in my dream, were healthy and one had me around the bottom of my tight leg, what does that mean? Withnie on January 6, 2020: I had 2 dreams about cats that I love cats and the first dream I had a stray cat named Miel and she was beautiful and loving and I was so happy with her and suddenly she had a seizure and died I was shattered The second: I drove to Los Angeles and while I was looking for the courthouse I got a ticket that I parked my car and started walking to the lady. I woke up in the dream and put them on the floor but they wanted to be on my lap but I didn't want them on me so they stayed on the floor and the white cat looked at my eyes I felt like the cat wanted to tell me something... I want to know if that means something that's a weird dream because I don't have any cats.Diana on November 30, 2019: Hi, I had a horrible dream that I was throwing it in two she was just alive her back legs and some skin were separated. When I woke up I was drooling from my mouth. What does this young man help? Apply on November 11, 2019:Hii. In my dream I was running... and suddenly I sat down on the road tirelessly... I saw a cute cat asking for food... surprised me... because I sounded like my old schoolmate... I also had 3 human fingers each in his hand... face, long fingers nailed... then I gave him some chicken ice... I don't like to take it... but... Then my aunt approached me and warned me that you don't remember what I told you about the incident that happened in my neighborhood last week..come and leave it.. I did, but I'm sure I didn't actually hear it.. The next day he made me funny to classmates when I quickly opened the glass door and sat in the chair with the writing sheet.. the writing board was a bit rotating .. because it is damaged.. I sat in it when I tried to sit down... everyone went out to laugh... even I heard that I studied at my college... So oo.does has some relation to the dream of the cat..os on September 13, 2019: I had a dream with the cat that I had as a pet 8 years ago. There's no reason to see him all of a sudden because I didn't think of him in a moment. The cat he had is black in color with little amount of white skin on his chest. He was alive in the dream and was with 2 or 3 cats and there we also have some kittens. I was crying so hard when I woke up and this dream came up to me all day. What does this mean? Carlos on September 04, 2019: I dreamed of two snake finds a poison and one not then a black or brown dog appeared along with a white cat the cat was bitten by the poisonous and the dog bit by the othersJes on September 01, 2019: I dreamed of shooting my own cat with a sniper but not trying to hurt him. I think someone ordered me to do it too. Idk. Like it's normal. When I approached, I saw three shots in the cat and I was breathing heavily and I realized I was hurt. I felt awful and I told my cat I was sorry. When I woke up, I felt really bad too. Anuska Bhattarai on June 20, 2019: Hello! Today at 6 I saw a dream where I saw a cat with three eyes. The cat had two blue eyes, but as if it belonged to an alien. However, one of the eyes seemed to belong to the cat itself. At the same time I saw the cat, I saw that my current boyfriend was breaking up with me. There was a part of the dream where I saw it was because I was with someone else but this is not the case in real life. My boyfriend likes me and is happy with me (he confirmed). However, this dream has made me feel restless. Could you help me interpret it? Bannerabb on May 24, 2019: I dreamed I was visiting my mother and got me a cat. The cat was white with a black patch in his eye and a peculiarly triangular face. I love cats in real life so I was very excited to see her. But then my eyes fell into an open suitcase (was purple color) at a distance and I realized that there were two kittens (they were cat) playing around a blanket. Both the blanket and the kittens were black. In the dream, however, I could not see kittens correctly, but I knew they were kittens. As I headed to see them, the cat entered among them and began to besiege me and garrison me. But I wasn't afraid because I thought I was being protective of your babies. So I came back behind my mother to protect me if the cat tried to scratch me and then I got into my head. The cat realized this and yelled at me (which scared me), and then fled. I was relieved that what it meant was that I could see the kittens, but I was afraid I'd get out of nowhere. I was in the process of removing the blanket from above the kittens when I woke up. I want to know what this means. Ivette on May 24, 2019: I dreamed that I was in my room with a friend of mine who is going through a situation that my puppy was in my room, but my window is open, I see my puppy (Rottweiler) is next to the window that I gave her back briefly and she was thrown down, I rushed to her that she was hanging from my hand, then I noticed a grey and white cat that the one from the one. I dreamed of many golden cats chasing me. What does it mean completely? Someone on April 22, 2019: I dreamed that we had a sanctuary of animals and there waz a kitten kitten in a cage that wAs so beautifulEvan on April 21, 2019:Yes, "profetica in some way" is exactly what I think it might be. But I have no idea what it might be. Or what you're trying to warn me/tell me abuot. I guess if it's okay with you, you can write me a few rows about what you think the meaning of it might be. Or some basic pointers on sick kittens/dead newborns in dreams. (My female cat gave birth 3 kittens days ago and it was a complicated birth and I had to help with it. Like a 23 and/or ive never did anything of this type and I had to cut the placenta cord on my own without the need of im not a veterinarian in the past she has usually done everything on her own but this time she left the kittens so I took the matter on my own hands and after a few videos of YT cut the cord myself and washed the bc kittens that were in a horrible state. He came back after that and began to look after them but sad one of them died the rest are so good.) Do you think the dream was what was going to happen with my cat giving birth or was a warning dream about something else and what could that be? shan on April 21, 2019: I had a dream with a cat that was being sucked and drowned in a huge dirty well or on the ground and I couldn't help saving it. Gail on April 19, 2019: My daughter is 17 years old, has autism and dreamed of a ginger 'kitty' that had her stomach cut by a man. I'd love to know what you think this might mean, please. Sherry Armstrong on April 18, 2019: Dear Mrs. Ireland... I have a recurring dream over the years, but more prevalent in the last few months, of suddenly realizing that I have not fed my cat! In a flute, and I feel terrible about this abandonment, I begin to organize food for the cat. I logically questioned myself in the dream, I checked the closets to see if there's any tin, or I'll have to lose to buy food. My dreams are always very realistic, logical and generally in color. In this series of dreams, guilt is the predominant factor that I have neglected my beloved companion. I am 71 years old, I have a terminal disease (but relatively unsystomatic at this time). I have actually expressed my most dear desire to live the rest of my earthly time in the city I consider the seat of my soul. To do this, I have had to force certain things, some of which seem morally "bad" according to social norms. I've had a hard and wonderful life, and I don't regret anything. Face the future with a relieved sense of joy, as I leave this troubled world and pass to the next level of my soul's journey. But I still can't shake in my life of awakening the sense of pain and guilt about this dream even for a moment to bring discomfort and fear to the life of my dear pet. Can you help me understand, and put this dream to rest? jOYCE on April 6, 2019: I have some stress in the last two weeks, of this I have not always trusted intuition. I had a dream last night of two different cats with kittens, I was looking at all the colors of the kittens, I saw one that was blue and white marble, I loved and was looking for more of the same. I was also worried about feeding cats and their survival. PS I love cats. Seth on April 6, 2019: In a dream I was in this strange fortress of soccor and fell off the wall on the outer hill and someone on the top said that his semi-circle and I must go jumping again. However until I finished the corner I saw a huge black kitten or cute black cat. I retracted and ran to the fortress. Now it's when it gets confusing but I think I'm remebering the same cat or kitten coming back to me and brushing against me and purifying. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on April 05, 2019: Hello Evan, thank you for writing. I always answer questions with questions, so please contact me. What is the main concern you have regarding this dream? It seems the main concern is that you think the dream might be prophetic somehow. Is that correct? If so, what do you think might be prophecy? Evan on April 2, 2019: Hello! A few minutes ago I had this dream that it was about the newborn kitten hundrets (or a few weeks old) that were in the barn of parents in our villa. The strange thing is that they were sick, very weekly or sadly dead. And I didn't know anything about them. My friends and I have accidentally discovered them. And we were surprised, we started looking for a way to clean up, help them and find them a home eventually. We actually have 4 cats (3 adults, 1 preteen if I can say he doubles a baby). I'm very curious about what that might mean. I've read the part about individuality and there's something that comes to my mind. Since I'm a little older, 23 now, dreams usually warn me about some and come true in a good 90% of cases. Thank you in advance and I hope you can write me a few words so I can better understand the dream. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 16, 2019: Hello RAI, thank you for writing. Can you tell me what this dream is about that prompts you to write? RAI on March 16, 2019: First I am a pregnant woman. I dreamed of a black and white kitten that is sick and sitting on a road. When I touched the kitten with him or she ran away. But the kitten was comfortable with me when I touched him or herAisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 12, 2019: Christian, I hear you! I have only been able to keep the lucidness for extremely short periods of time and strange enough, the lucid dreams I have experienced always come from nightmares. I can usually wake up from nightmares but at times extremely rare, I've been able to stop just before I'm fully aware. I've read that there are exercises to keep the lucid, but I've never investigated them. Christian1993 on March 12, 2019: The problem with me and lucid dreams is that every time I realize I'm dreaming, I wake up almost immediately, it's like the only control I have is that I can wake up. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 11, 2019: Hello Robbin, thank you for writing. Can you tell me what part of the dream you care about? You write it's not the first time you've had a dream like that. Is it just a family scenario or is it a persistent and recurring dream? Finally, can you tell me what was about this particular dream that caused you to write? Thank you so much! Robbin on March 10, 2019: Hello Aisling, so last night I saw a cat that almost fucked me and started running in a circle as fast as I can, it was a black cat, although I love cats but that was a bit terrifying that I always wanted to adopt one.. It's not the first time I'm having these dreams, every time I dream something like that I wake up and I can't say what things I've seen in my dreams.. Can you help me figure out what my dreams are suggesting me know they mean something? It's also a great article upstairs. Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful South on March 9, 2019: I think I have consciously controlled a dream once I remember. Maybe more because I remember knowing I was asleep and dreaming. This happens more often when I try to wake up and I can't. I woke up and thought for myself, I want more of that. Then I went back to sleep and continued the dream. Several times. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 9, 2019: Hello Kshipra, Thank you for writing. Could you tell me what the dream is that you care about the most? It sounds like on the one hand, the dream is quite positive because you are able to take care of cats in a place where otherwise you couldn't, but then it seems to take a turn. You realize that cats have color on them, but you don't really remember that they scratch you, is that correct? Kshipra Bhandari on March 9, 2019: Hey Aisling! I don't have cats, but I've always wanted to adopt one. I couldn't because my mother is allergic and now I live in a hostel that doesn't allow pets. This information is important because, in my dream, I had two mature and healthy cats, and I was in my house, which is impossible, seeing my mother's condition. To overcome that, I dreamed of playing with them and taking care of them with MY MOM. And we even helped them sleep, I took care of one and my mother helped the other. Later on in the dream, I couldn't remember which cat breed I had and I tried to concentrate. And then I remembered he had a Scottish Fold cat. Now I don't know why Scottish Fold particularly because I don't have a preference, but my best guess would be that I love Taylor Swift and her cats, Meredith and Olivia are the same races. lol. The dream wasn't too strange until I saw that my white cat had gotten a little color on it and I didn't know how. Then I look down and see that I'm covered in pink! Again, I don't know how... but probably the Holi Festival is close? I don't know. So, I put my cat on the couch and went to the bathroom. When I was cleaning up, I saw I couldn't get the color out of some parts. I looked closer to the mirror and saw that in my hand, near my wrists, pink and red mixing type to form a darker color and it seems that I have been scratched. Not small scratches, they are a little deeper and more concentrated in a circle. So I get strange at first, thinking about how it happened and terrified later, concluding that it was my cats. But the worst part is that during all the sleep, not once my cats were angry with me. Besides, I remember they didn't have very long nails. I'm very confused Aisling. I don't think too much about dreams, but this one had cats. I love them, but now I think that maybe I'll also have a bit of fear...Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 08, 2019: Have you ever had lucid dreams? Dreams where you actively control the content of sleep? I've only had a few, three or four I can remember. They're pretty wild. You're asleep, completely asleep, but aware that you're asleep and dreaming. Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful South on March 08, 2019: This article was especially appealing to me as I love cats, especially blacks. I rarely sleep with cats, but when I do, it's usually about my own cats appearing somewhere they're supposed to be not. I kept telling my subconscious mind that I don't like that. Finally, I dreamed that my beautiful Black Persian/Siamese followed me somewhere, and I knew he was about to enter a busy street. I ran to rescue him but when I got there, he had been hit by a car and he was dead in the middle of the street. I woke up screaming. Except I never scream in dreams. Later I had intentionally a meditation in which I told my subconscious mind that my cats were unequivocally outside the limits of my dreams. I told the subconscious to find another way to send me a message. Apparently that got results because I didn't dream of them appearing where they shouldn't be. That showed me that we have conscious control over our dreams. Cupcakes on March 08, 2019: Hey, I can't completely remember my dream. But I'll tell you what I can remember. So at some point my significant couple and I had many birds two of each, but a rooster was somehow confused as another bird and began to pursue and attack me. It has 2 fans hidden inside its rest. When he bit me, I actually felt a pain in my arm. Something happened with the birds as a failure and we had to move on. Him, me, my family. The streets were like Aladdin, but with a circus it's the flare. We came with a couple of cats one stopped with someone, was nice and sweet. The other was a black man, not kitten, but he didn't grow up completely either. He didn't like anyone and immediately bit or scratch. Except for me, he was still aggressive, but he wasn't sure. I'd let myself stroke, but then try to grab me with his claws. We continue on the trip and the black cat became mine. We met a doctor on the streets and were receiving checks but some and future lives crossed with our eyes while looking at us. I ran to get my cat who wasn't with me anymore. He ran into my arms and huddled with a little fog in my hand. I left it and realized that I hadn't called him yet, I almost went with Salem but I felt it was too generic and named him Sylum. As an asylum. He loved it and his eyes shone a yellow orange color like fire. And I woke up. I'm sorry I've known that I've been having very live dreams for a long time. Obviously I'm awake now, but I'm sad that Sylum's not around. Suddenly I feel empty a dream cat is not with me. It's weird. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 6, 2019: Hello Christian, thank you for writing. That's a lot of sleep detail! You write that you have strange dreams. If you remember all your dreams in as much detail as you did with the one you wrote next, it might be worth your time to start keeping a dream diary because it sounds like your dreams have a lot to communicate with. It's worth listening to them! Christian1993 on March 6, 2019: Hello, first let me start by saying that I love cats, all sizes and races, almost always had them growing and one as an adult too, just like dogs, if I had to choose between getting a cat or a dog I would probably choose cat too because my apartment is too small for a dog. I remember when I was a kid we found 3 kittens in a bag floating in the river, I and a lot of friends, decided to rescue them after contemplating a little, took them to one of our grandfather friends and put them in his shed without him knowing about it since he hated the cats. We fed them and played with them every day during the summer holidays until they finally became too big and Grandpa found them so we had to give them to the people of the neighborhood, to whoever wanted to adopt them. Anyway in my dream there was a big feline, I'm not sure exactly what type it was, I think it was seen, maybe a jaguar or leopard or something like that, although it was smaller than a leopard, I was thinking it could be a puma but I remember in the dream that a friend said if it was a puma would have been dead, because this cat attacked me, for some reason I decided to fight and run away. This cat was extremely fast and strong, if you know how strong and muscular it is a pitbull, this cat was better, I remember it jumped at me at some point but it was so fast that I could barely trace its movement and I was thinking that it is not fighting seriously for some reason, that it was before I died, but even then the lack of blood made me feel the same thing, I can't for life finished a strange part. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 05, 2019: No, it's not serious, Kevin. Just having normal strange dreams! Thank you for writing! Kevin March 04, 2019:Aisling, thank you for your vision. I appreciate your kind words and positive thoughts. I think you can be on something! Anyway, thanks for cleaning up the air that I'm not going crazy. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 04, 2019: Hello Larissa, thank you for writing! I always answer questions with questions, so please contact me. What about this dream that prompts you to find more information? The feelings and impressions that dreams come out with us are often very important to help us understand their meaning. How did he make you sleep? What was for you the most important part of the dream or the most outstanding part? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on March 04, 2019: Hello Kevin. So this dream really sounds positive to me, as strange as it seems. Dreams are usually symbolic representations of what is happening in our minds and souls and what sounds like is happening in your soul is that you are a kind person, who is able to look beyond the superficial appearance of things and see through the heart of trouble. You seem to have the ability to "put a human face" on things that would repel others. The fact that you are also more of a dog person but in your dream you are trying to take care of cats, seeking help beyond what others might, also tells me that you have a kind and loving nature. But I probably won't tell you anything you don't know about yourself! What you may not know, and what the dream might be saying, is that you want people around you to give the same consideration and care that you give to others. There is a theory that all elements in a dream are symbolic aspects of ourselves. If this is true, kittens in sleep might symbolize feelings of helplessness about some problem you're facing, something that might need help with but not be able to find someone to take the time to actually help you solve your problem. However, the dream is still positive for me because it sounds like at the end of the dream, you did, in fact you found someone who could help, you just woke up before that happened, which might indicate that problems and solutions to your problems have really been integrated into your consciousness. Please let me know if that helps someone! Larissa on March 04, 2019:Hello Aisling! What an amazing article! Thank you for helping us all with this! My dream was about a cute little pink kitten with a mark of a red heart on its left side of the hip. She was supposed to be a woman and she was talking to me. It was quiet, and sweet. He came to me, and he scratched me a little (but playing, not hostile) and then when I decided to show it to my mother, the kitten was gone. I couldn't find it anymore. It didn't belong to me. But I loved it and wanted one like this:) Can you help me understand this dream? Thank you so much! Kevin on February 28, 2019:Aisling, At first it was the initial shock of the disturbing birth and strange appearance that bothered me. But it was almost like that I was no longer bothered as soon as I realized they needed help that I couldn't provide. It seems strange to me that so easily I accepted the strange aspects of it, while all around me looked at them as monsters. I was quickly angry when no one could help me with the situation. And finally, when I thought I was about to get to the right aid resource I woke up. They raised me with cats in my house since I was young. In my adult life I had a cat that I liked that died of old age about a year ago. Although I consider that I love cats, I am more of a dog person at this point of my life, and 1 pet is enough for me. Thank you for your vision. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 28, 2019: Hello Kevin. Thanks for writing. First, let me make sure there's nothing wrong with you. Dreams speak a language, one that often uses strange images to get their point through. I've had dreams with such disturbing images, the only place I've shared is in my personal dream diary and encrypted. Second, I always answer questions with questions, so please grant me. What was the most disturbing aspect of sleep, which had human faces, which were "born" in a strange way, or that you were not able to take care of them properly? When you wake up your life, how do you feel about cats in general? I love them, you leave them or meh, okay? Kevin on February 28, 2019: I had a very rare dream, as very rare. A cat, who was supposed to be mine (I don't have one in my waking life), started "waking up" small baby kittens with human faces. They were clearly in need of medical help and in my dream I did everything I could to save them, I took them to veterinarians, they told me I needed to take them to the human hospital instead, and before I could get medical attention I woke up. He's made me feel a little uncomfortable all day. What's wrong with me? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 25, 2019: Hello Kat, thank you for writing. I always answer questions with questions, so please contact me. What part of the dream did you find most disturbing? Was it the black cat, the image of you strangling your dog, or the part where you were screaming without sound? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 25, 2019: Hello Raz, thank you for writing. I always answer questions with questions, so please contact me. How did you feel when you woke up? Did you find the pleasant or disturbing dream? Kat on February 25, 2019: I only dreamed of a black cat at the end of my bed and was strangling my dog. I was screaming in my dream, but I wouldn't think of any sound. I woke up in a sweat and they stroke me! Raz on February 24, 2019:hi, I had a dream of a big white cat, sleeping next to my legs, as if I were seeing my safety. It felt so real because even when I woke up, I felt that I was still sleeping on my legs and was afraid to move my legs just not to hurt the cat but when I came to the realization, the cat was there. What does this mean? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 24, 2019: Hello Maktum, thank you for writing. I always answer questions with questions, so please contact me. What are your life-long associations with cats? What about snakes? Do you like them, hate them, find them wise or think of them as symbols of evil? Please let me know and I'll give you some ideas about what I think your dream might mean. Maktum on February 23, 2019: I dreamed of a white kitten playing and tried to be friends with him, as I actually kitten comes with me suddenly a snake comes from us attacking me run and the left kitten but the kitten fights back and defeated the snake. You can help me interpret the dream this is my first time to dream a white cat. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 22, 2019: Hello Viv, thank you for writing! It's interesting to me because when I read what you've written, it looks like cats aren't really the primary symbol in sleep. It seems that the malfunction camera is the main symbol: it is the symbol that leads both the action in the dream and the reason you woke up. In addition, the detail you have about cats is more about the number symbolism and its colors. Sounds good or am I wrong here? Viv on February 22, 2019: Thank you for this interesting article - but I have to confess, I am as confused as before. I dreamed of nine cats, all incorrigible, sleeping under the moisturizer in my backyard. Eight were tabbies, one was withered and orange, I only saw his back. I went to the house to get my camera, my real dog, also in the dream, was behind me, just looking. Actually, life hates cats... He didn't bark, the cats were sleeping, not doing anything else. I couldn't get the camera to work and that's how it woke up. Neither in sleep nor in awakening I felt fear, anxiety or danger, only great wonder they would have given me this view, as a privilege. I'm a female. I have no idea what this dream means! Instintively, given the number nine, I would say it was a sign of good luck, since it was the night of my birthday. What now? Lola on February 21, 2019: I have a question about a dream I had. I dreamed of a black and white cat trying to catch a snake that was protecting and trying to get the cat out of the snake and escape the cat. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 17, 2019: You're welcome! Thank you for writing. I really appreciate listening to readers. Yeah, moths, I wish I could be quiet like you did in your dream when you approach me. But no, I have no value in terms of moths! LOL!!! Tina on February 17, 2019: I love that perspective and perspective. I didn't think so. It sounds amazing! I appreciate your time and response. And good luck with the moths. You just made me realize how annoying LolAisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 17, 2019: Okay. That's what I was thinking... that the cat in the dream only reflected your aversion of life to wake the cats. (Don't worry. I understand your feeling about cats. We all have quirks about things. My staff is moths. The moths scare me more than any snake, spider or any other creature commonly feared on earth!) To me, this dream translates as positive. In it, they are confronting you with something you personally find terrifying, something that other people in the dream are not receiving remotely is terrifying for you and therefore they are offering you no help but to crash into your situation-a situation that you find personally terrifying. But your answer to this situation, one in which you are completely alone, not heard, not understood, and literally taking everything on your own, is to remain calm. You're not sleeping with the cat, your actions aren't scared, you're not screaming. You are facing fear in a calm, rational way, which is not a bad feat! It sounds like this dream is telling you that you can have more strength than you think you do and in fact you have the ability to assume what throws your life, no matter how terrifying it is for you and no matter how little assistance you're getting from people around you. Mark Twain has a quote on the value that I always paraphrase to "If you don't feel fear, you don't have courage." Value does not act when one is not afraid. Value is acting when we are terrified but we decided that what is on the other side of fear is more important than the fear we feel to get to it. So, it sounds to me, this is an extremely positive dream! Tina on February 16, 2019: Nothing terrifying with the cat in the dream, is just my dislike of cats as a whole. I don't like them near me, in me and definitely not in my arms! LOL I don't find them cute or furious like most people. I guess that's what he translated into sleep: "Keep your peace and leave you alone." (I don't want to sound hard and low cats, but it's just my feelings.) Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 16, 2019: What stands out in my dream is that the people around you seem to find that cat jumping in your cute arms, but you're trying to "keep the calm." In the dream, what happened to that cat that scared you? Was it just her life to wake up the cats that bothered you or that there was something particularly frightening about that particular cat? I have some ideas, positive, actually, but I'd like to hear your answers to those questions first. Tina on February 15, 2019: It definitely made me think. The dream was highlighted and attracted my attention. But am I missing something? What are your thoughts on the look of him jumping into my arms? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 15, 2019: Hello Tina. Thank you for writing! So, did you find that the article was useful for interpreting your dream? Tina on February 15, 2019: I had a dream last night that I was in a supermarket with an aunt who used a walker. We saw a signal about the use of a cat as a b/c bodyguard that is all they could afford. The cartel mentioned that the cat is not dangerous. When I wake up my life, I don't have an aunt with a walker and I don't like cats at all! They're creepy and creepy for me. So in the dream, the black cat was smelling people as they walked in. When he smelled me, he jumped to catch him. I kept walking, but I kept jumping and smiling. Everyone is 'to wwwing' but I'm focusing on staying calm. Eventually the cat began to shake his arms and I can't remember if the claws came out but I woke up when he finally jumped into my arms. I didn't wake up fear or anything, just confused b/c was so random. I've never dreamed of cats before, so I didn't know if it meant that I should look at it. Tina on February 15, 2019: I had a dream that was in a supermarket with an aunt who used a walkerAisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 13, 2019: Hello Marisa, thank you for writing. I don't think the dream is bad luck. Marisa on February 10, 2019: I had an afternoon nap and I woke up very anxious. I dreamed that my son entered my room holding a black kitten. I said I don't even want to see how we get along, we have enough animals. He kept saying that they look at Mom; he's cute. Is this dream bad luck? Angella stratton on February 08, 2019: I dreamed that I was walking to the house the light was off and I noticed a cat that kept calling me to cat was dark and that he approached me to sit on my lap the darkness was put to light on the cat is black and the white mix wants me to stick my head to my face and his lips go to my lips ... felt very love not fear of the cat. At first he gave birth to a normal litre of kittens where 4 of them could be said to be his first time giving birth. Then in less than a week I see the same cat again trying to give birth under the water and it looked very tired as if it needed help, so I pulled it out of the water and found it somewhere comfortable for it to give birth. While I was doing this, my mother came and said it was time for us to leave and I told her I couldn't leave yet because I was about to give birth and I couldn't leave her alone. My mother said it was impossible since I had just given birth a few days ago, but I was waiting to see if I was right. The cat then also gave birth to 8 kittens, but when the babies came out they seemed to already have a few months of age and seemed different from any other normal cat. Most of them in white except 2 or 3 being black and white. I was so happy to see those cats that were born, especially the white ones because they seemed so magestic, although the mother was not my cat. When I started looking at the baby's kittens I noticed a white man had a horn in the middle of his head and I told my mother 'hey looks like a unicorn!' Then I started checking all the other babies and I saw that there was a little hole in the top of the head where it seemed like a horn was coming out of it. You could see it more about white cats and then I started to pet them and immediately the babies started purging by following me with their eyes already open and I thought it was weird since it is not the usual behavior of newborn kittens since they can't open their eyes yet and let alone walk. Then I looked for a large shoe box and a blanket to put the mom and cats there, but I realized it was impossible for them to fit in there from babies where much bigger than mom. I looked at the tired mom and it seemed like she gave me a smile and I could let her know that everything was going to be okay because I had done everything I could to help her and do it so I could see something amazing. Aarti on February 02, 2019: Hello, your blog seems informative, I am personally more scared of cats from the animal family, last night I dreamed of pop-up cats in every corner of my house, had emergent perhaps of walls. I remember being very scared watching cats in the dream and I saw my Father protecting me from cats from every room and terrace. Also in the end we find only one room where my Father could keep me away from cats. I also saw them coming out in my bed. If I could illustrate the dream, thank you waiting for your answer. Juliet on February 01, 2019: I don't remember feeling scared in the dream, but after waking up I was super scared and I definitely felt like I was in my room. I've never heard of those hallucinations and I personally love cats. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on February 01, 2019: Hello Juliet, thank you for writing. Did you feel fear in sleep? Or were you afraid after you woke up? I wonder if the feeling that something was in your room was due to the dream. Have you ever heard of hypnogogue/hypnapomical hallucinations? Finally, how do you feel about cats? Juliet on January 31, 2019:Hello! I had a dream that I walked in a room, there were at least three cats, all identical, savannah cats with yellow eyes. They were there, they spread without particular order, and they looked at me, without blinking or moving. Other people looked at them, but I don't know who, all of them had their back turned. I woke up all of a sudden and I was scared, I felt something was in my room... Any idea what this means? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 23, 2019: You are more than welcome! Wishing all luck and happiness in the world! Mahazak on January 23, 2019: Thank you very much. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 23, 2019: Thank you, Mahazak. The dreams of giving birth to animals are rare, but quite common, especially when a person is trying to have or is already pregnant. Sometimes people worry that these kinds of dreams are bad omens that mean their child will be deformed, but nothing could be further away from the truth. Dreams speak symbolic language, not literal language. Kittens, for me, looks like an incredibly suitable symbol for babies and children, they are absolutely adorable and also helpless, as a human baby is. I also believe that the part of the dream where you are giving birth without pain symbolizes the hope that your conception will go smoothly, without problems. The color of the kittens seems to reflect the purity and innocence of the children he wishes to conceive, as well as his own intention to conceive them. Sounds good to you? Mahazak on January 23, 2019:Yes, I love cats and used to be home a few years earlier. I had this dream only once, and yes, it just happened when I'm trying to conceive. Thank you. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 22, 2019: Hello Mahazak, thank you for writing. I always answer questions with questions, so, please accompany me! Are you a cat person? Have you started having the dream of giving birth to kittens since you've been trying to conceive? Is this dream an off or is it recurring? Mahazak on January 22, 2019: I had a dream that gave birth to a white kitten, blond, very quiet and beautiful. And then she gave birth to another white kitten just like the first one and I thought and wanted the second to be male, but my sister told me she's also a female. I gave birth while I was standing painless and just got the kittens in my hand. I'm actually trying to get pregnant since I don't have children yet. I don't have cats at home but I used to have in the past. What would this mean? Kira Tielking on January 20, 2019: I had a dream where I was in an old house that wasn't mine and had family people I'm close to. Everything in the house was dark, I don't remember any decoration or much light and the ceilings amd walls were made of very dark wood. The house was full of snakes and I remember being terrified. I often dream of snakes but when I always wake up at the edge. In the dream there were also many cats. These cats were stuck/seated in this part of the house (a closed storage space looking on the roof that had a large glass window to be seen all inside. I remember several cats but two were more highlighted. One was a mother cat, I think it was black and the other was a grey kitten. I had a strong feeling that I needed to get these cats out of this area because there were also loud noises coming from inside the walls. I had someone standing with me trying to help me, but I remember knowing that I had to put my arm through a little space that wasn't visible through the glass to do it. I can't remember if the snakes bit me watching this area but it was definitely a fear to repeat it in my mind while the length of my arm was there. I could get the little kitten out, but during the effort the kitten got wet and because of that, the black mother cat followed behind. I didn't feel like the kitten felt threatened by me, I actually spent the rest of the dream holding it to my chest for comfort, but idk why it would have wet. After the mother cat came out, everyone else followed her. I don't remember the rest of the dream but I remember that there were also red balloons and that they felt significant. Maddy on January 19, 2019: Last night I had a dream with different cats. The first part of my dream had my orange tabby and I was sitting on my front porch of my old house petting it. The second part of the dream a black cat came to me and I started to caress him and think about how familiar he was. The last part of my dream I had a kitten but within a week it became a big leap! I remember hugging him and fondling him with feelings of nothing but love of him. As he hugged him, he was stirring up strong and the vibration was so calm! Then I started to worry that my neighbors called animal protection as big and dangerous as it is. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 18, 2019: My personal belief is that dreams are symbolic, not prophetic. However, this does not mean that dreams cannot alert us to the problems that happen in our lives that can make the dream look prophetic. The cat sitting on your chest, for me, could symbolize feelings of pain or sadness, and the dichotomy of seeing half white things in the world of joke could indicate feelings that people are "two faces". You might also want to consider that sometimes (and I am the queen of this) we tend to see people and situations like black and white, all or nothing, or win or lose when it is more useful to think of all, ourselves included, are composite beings that all have bad sides and good sides. Is this helpful? Heba on January 17, 2019: Yes in all sensesAisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 17, 2019: Hello Heba, thank you for writing. If I can ask, was it the bad time you had any connection with your bf? Heba on January 17, 2019: I dreamed a while ago of a cat sitting on my chest. All I remember was that it was a quiet sleep and the cat was looking in a way and then reveals the other side of his face. When the cat looked at my face it was half black and half ginger. I had a full ginger cat and I still have a full black cat both of which I love deeply. At the time of sleep I could feel the pressure of the cat on my chest and woke up to my bf at the time I was applying pressure on my chest while watching me sleep.. Not long after the dream I had a bad time and I kept seeing this half-back black and white dichotomy. Can you play? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 17, 2019: Hello NINA, thank you for writing. What does the cat have to say? NINA on January 17, 2019: Hello! I have a weird dream.. I saw a cat on the street and was talking to meAisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 17, 2019: Hello Cari, Thank you for writing. I always answer questions about dream meanings with questions, so please contact me. One of the most important factors to consider when trying to interpret a dream is how it made you feel. You write that you are a super-mad animal lover but in the dream all the reproduced cats fill you with emotion or leave you overwhelmed? Cari on January 16, 2019: I had a dream last night with numerous young and old cats. They kept playing. Even the new kitty is breastfeeding slightly older baby cats. Everywhere only cats and more cats. I am a super-mad animal lover and the cat is my favorite, but what these dreams mean eludes me. Please help me evaluate this for me? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 16, 2019: Hello Holly, thank you for writing. I understand you're not actively mourning your cat anymore, but you may still wonder what happened to her or you wish you could have a definitive closure? Dreams are sometimes fulfilled by desire that allow us to feel what we cannot awaken life. When my dog died, I couldn't say goodbye to him, but I had dreams where he appeared to me, completely restored and I could caress him. Those dreams gave me a lot of peace! Beyond the color being different (the eye of the dream cat is mentioned was a different blue than the awakened cat) was there anything else that caught his attention? Looks like the cat's eyes of dreams really stood out for you. Holly on January 16, 2019: I had a dream where I saw my old cat who ran away, (we assume he's dead because we live near some dangerous places and he was sick at the time he fled), also my two other cats that still live and are still at home. However, my brother kept talking about the dead cat on the couch. I was petting him and everything that was originally wrong with him was cured. There was something strange with his eyes and in my dream he kept catching my attention, his eyes were very large and very blue. His eyes are blue, but not so dark. He ran away a long time ago, so I'm not regretting it anymore. What does this mean? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 14, 2019: Sure, Nora, go ahead! Karen Tovbin on January 14, 2019:Hello, I recently had a dream that there was a liter of kittens in the back of my car. They were very vocal, but tiny. In the same dream, I saw other types of cats, as well as rabbits in my car. The other cats seemed calm or tired. What does that mean? Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 6, 2019: Hello Jalesa. Thank you for writing! How did you sit with the dream after waking up? Were you anxious, you felt better than getting your kitten back safely, were you upset? What about the dream that made you look for a dream guide about cat dreams? In your post you say the dream seemed quite random, but there was something about it that captured your attention and imagination. What was that thing? I can tell you what stands out to me, but first I'd like to hear about what stands out to you. :-) Jalesa on January 05, 2019: Hi, I had a dream with my cat driving in a suv with a group of people and my own cat at night, and people kept opening the windows a little and kept trying to escape. (Like most cats don't like being in cars anyway) Eventually he escaped, so naturally I cared even more, so I took care of driving, and I found him on the side of the road / near some trash, there were other people out there, I played him and went back to the car. I think I woke up after that or started another segment of dreams. What do you think? I found this completely random! I've never dreamed of my kitten, even though I love him very well. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on January 04, 2019: Hello Amy. Thank you for writing! Do you have cats? How do you feel about cats in general? In the dream, why did you be surprised that the cat stayed with you instead of going somewhere else? Amy on January 04, 2019: Hello Aisling: I dreamed that a cat slept with me all night. By 'slept with me', I dreamed in my dream that the cat was with me and in my dream I slept. So the cat was not in my 'physical bed' at home, but in my dream. I was surprised and I felt comfortable when I realized that the cat felt comfortable and stayed with me. Thoughts? Very appreciated. Aisling Ireland (author) of Bolingbroke, GA on December 31, 2018: Hello NoraNataliMelb. Thanks for writing. I love that you've taken the information in the heart article and decided to write your dream! I'm happy to take a look at what you send me and offer some ideas. I hope to read what you send! NoraNataliMelb on December 31, 2018:Hello! I found his most understandable explanation and you also had a description of some things I couldn't find elsewhere (but the main meanings of that dream in other pages are similar as they should be supposed). But, as I woke up and my dream was a bit strange but with pleasant emotions (that wake up in good humor) I decided to write my dream because in my opinion seeing such a living dream is something that I think could tell me something. I think it's too long and personal to write it here so if possible I'd like to send it in private. Happy New Year! Related ArticlesRelated ArticlesRelated Articles7 Symbolic interpretations of dreams about hair loss and hair in dreams Interpret the symbolic significance of nudity in dreams and dreams about being naked What dreams of dogs mean and how to interpret themWhat dreams of snakes and other snakes mean? What do spiders mean in dreams? Deer dream symbolism: What do you dream of Deer Mean? Everything you need to know to start interpreting dreamsDreaming in Color: What These 8 Common Colors Symbolize in Dreams Meaning and interpretations of the dream of rats What do Tornadoes' dreams mean? What do you dream of the Moon? 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